Nurturing collaborative, grassroots efforts in the Lake Fork Valley.
Supporting the citizens of Hinsdale County.
Established in 1994, the Lake Fork Community Foundation promotes and supports the citizens of that portion of Hinsdale County located along the valley of the Lake Fork of the Gunnison River. The foundation is a Colorado Nonprofit Corporation, qualified as a Private Foundation, 501(c)(3) by the IRS. Donations are fully tax-deductible.
The foundation’s purposes include:
Youth support including educational assistance and recreational facilities
Assistance to public, educational, medical or benevolent institutions and the public schools
Promoting scientific research for the advancement of human knowledge and the alleviation of human suffering or the suffering of animals
Care of the sick, aged and helpless
Care of needy men, women and children
Beautification of the area
Care and protection of animals
About the Foundation
The Foundation solicits and receives donations including funds undesignated or designated for specific organizations, makes grants in fulfillment of its purposes, and acts as a clearinghouse and central source agency for both donors and recipients to participate in the development and well-being of the community.
The Foundation’s end-of-year solicitation letter allows donors to assist their choices of community groups in one easy process.
The Board of Directors meets quarterly to conduct business and consider grant applications. Notice of grant application deadlines for consideration at quarterly meetings are made public well in advance. Grant information and applications may be obtained by contacting the Foundation or any board member.
A local organization must have a Collection Agreement on file with the LFCF to receive designated funds from donors. Please complete and return to PO Box 322, Lake City, CO 81235 or lfcf@lakeforkcf.org. Monies designated for local, approved organizations are distributed quarterly. These pass-through donations are fully tax deductible for the donor.
Please see our Donation Form for funds and partners with the LFCF.